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Storm Warning Scott Nickell Storm Warning Scott Nickell

Eye On The Sky

Matthew 16:1-4 | Instead of looking to our circumstances for hope and confidence, Jesus challenges us to look at who He is and what He has done. Instead of demanding that He do something for us we can see what He’s already done and live with faith moving into the future.

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Storm Warning Jon Weece Storm Warning Jon Weece

Storm Chasing

Matthew 14:22-33 | Sometimes Jesus calls us into something that doesn’t make any sense. In those moments we have an opportunity to trust and obey Him. When we do it’s easy to become distracted by the level of adversity that comes our way after we’ve stepped out in faith. Thankfully, we have a Savior who doesn’t condemn us when we lose sight of Him in the midst of the storm.

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Storm Warning Jon Weece Storm Warning Jon Weece

Storm Shelter

Matthew 8:23-27 | When a storm hits in life we can seek shelter in a lot of things. Often the things we run to are destructive. Jesus is the only one who is not only able to save us, but is also with us in the middle of the storm.

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Storm Warning Scott Nickell Storm Warning Scott Nickell

Calm Before The Storm

Matthew 7:24-29 | A well-prepared life must be constructed on a true foundation. There are a lot of ideas, philosophies, and worldviews available to us, but only one will truly hold up when pain, suffering, and adversity comes our way.

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