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Sucker Punch Scott Nickell Sucker Punch Scott Nickell

Conquering Addiction

Galatians 5:13-26, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5) | No one ever plans to be an addict. It happens incrementally as we indulge in unhealthy behaviors and repeatedly make bad choices. “I can handle it” is the lie we perpetually choose to believe. Eventually, we realize that we can’t handle it. Such is the roller coaster ride of addiction. This message will suggest ways to overcome rather than submit to unhealthy behaviors.

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Sucker Punch Scott Nickell Sucker Punch Scott Nickell

Surviving Divorce

Mark 10:2-9 | Few words elicit more emotion than the word "divorce." We all evaluate it differently, but when we experience it, there are no words. In this message, we will learn how to help everyone involved in the emotional tug of war get to a place of healing.

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Sucker Punch Jon Weece Sucker Punch Jon Weece

Battling Depression

1 Kings 19:1-5 | There’s a great story in 1 Kings where Elijah challenges a group of 450 false prophets to a “duel” of sorts and wins a resounding victory. In the very next chapter, we watch Elijah run 100 miles into the wilderness, where he sits under a tree depressed and begs God to take his life. In this message, we’ll learn how God can minister to us in the dregs of depression.

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Sucker Punch Jon Weece Sucker Punch Jon Weece

Overcoming Fear

“Fear.” Just the sound of the word brings a variety of emotions. It asks the question, “Fight or Flight?” Fear can unnerve us or empower us. Spur us on or hold us back. Everyone struggles with fear, and there are all kinds of fears to stare down in life. In this message, we’ll look at ways to pray away fear’s slimy grip on our lives.

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