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To the Ends of the Earth Jon Weece To the Ends of the Earth Jon Weece

Multiplying Church Leaders

An older couple named Priscilla and Aquila took a bright, young leader named Apollos under their wing and downloaded the wisdom they had into heart and mind (Acts 18). In this message, we will look at how Southland is investing in church leaders from around the world by providing them with a practical theological degree.

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To the Ends of the Earth Jon Weece To the Ends of the Earth Jon Weece

Protecting Children

Jesus gave a very clear command and very stark warning about harming children (Matthew 18). The most vulnerable people in the world are the children who are being taken advantage of and have no one to provide for them and protect them. In this message, we will look at how Southland is quietly serving an often overlooked demographic of boys who are being trafficked in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.

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To the Ends of the Earth Jon Weece To the Ends of the Earth Jon Weece

Reaching The Unreached

Jesus commanded his first followers to “go” (Matthew 28) and to “be his voice” (Acts 1) so every person on the planet would have a chance to hear the good news about God’s love. In this message, we will look at how Southland is targeting densely populated urban areas in Japan, one of the most unreached countries of the world.

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