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Slow Mo Jon Weece Slow Mo Jon Weece

Overcoming Difficult Circumstances

Exodus 3:1-17:7 | Leading hundreds of thousands of people for 40 years in a desolate wasteland was no picnic in the park for Moses. As a leader, he had to improvise, overcome daunting obstacles, deal with difficult personalities, and push past personal insecurities to be effective. In this message, we will learn some simple principles to help us deal with the complex problems we often face in life.

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Slow Mo Scott Nickell Slow Mo Scott Nickell

Overcoming a Bad Decision

Exodus 2:11-22 | In a fit of rage, Moses let his temper get the better of him and he killed an Egyptian soldier. For the next 40 years, Moses had to live in seclusion to avoid being punished for his crime, but God used that season of his life to prepare him for an important task. In this message, we will see how God can take our worst decisions and use them for good purposes.

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Slow Mo Jon Weece Slow Mo Jon Weece

Overcoming A Rough Childhood

Exodus 1:1-2:10 | “Desperate times call for desperate measures,” is definitely a phrase that applies to the first few years of Moses’ life. He was born into slavery, the government tried to kill him before he could take his first steps, his mom gave him up for adoption, and he was raised by foreign people in a foreign land. In this message, we will see that in spite of his challenging childhood, Moses became a man that God could count on and the same can be true for us.

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