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Cafeteria Christianity Scott Nickell Cafeteria Christianity Scott Nickell


(Romans 12:1-2): In order to act differently than those around us we have to first think differently than those around us. Paul tells us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God. What we do and don’t do with our bodies is an act of worship. In this message we will look at what the Bible has to say about our physical bodies and sex. We will learn that conforming to our culture only leads to brokenness and chaos while what Jesus calls us to leads to freedom and joy.

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Cafeteria Christianity Jon Weece Cafeteria Christianity Jon Weece


(Romans 12:1-2): We are told to “discern” what God’s will is as opposed to seeking the approval of people. Our highest concern should be what God says is best, not what other people think. Living for the approval of people isn’t freedom; it’s slavery.

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Cafeteria Christianity Scott Nickell Cafeteria Christianity Scott Nickell


(Romans 12:1-2): Our culture values money, possessions, success, and fame as the highest virtues. God doesn’t see them as virtues at all. God determines what’s good, true, and beautiful so when we look to Him for answers He will always point us in the direction of true wealth.

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