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Deconstruction Jon Weece Deconstruction Jon Weece

The Living Room — Technology Cannot Love You

Philippians 4:4-8 | The level of fear, worry, and anxiety we experience is connected to the amount of time we spend staring at and scrolling through images on screens. What we’re looking for in technology can be found in God’s love for us and the joy it delivers when we surrender to it and train our minds to think about it throughout the day.

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Deconstruction Jon Weece Deconstruction Jon Weece

The Bedroom — Sexual Purity Matters

I Corinthians 6:12-20 | Our cultural mantra is, “If it feels good, do it.” We’ve compromised purity for the sake of pleasure. God loves us enough to give us sexual boundaries that are meant to protect us from emotional and physical harm. True sexual freedom is experienced in the safe confines of a committed marriage relationship.

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Deconstruction Jon Weece Deconstruction Jon Weece

The Foundation — The Bible Is True

II Timothy 3:16-17 | In the construction world, a foundation has to be solid before anything can be built on it. The same is true with the Christian faith. Everything we believe is grounded in the reality that every word in the Bible is true because its author is trustworthy.

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