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Let's Dance Jon Weece Let's Dance Jon Weece

Leading My Words

Matthew 12:33-37 | Only Jesus can change our hearts, which leads to a change in the words we speak. Our words are powerful, for good or for bad, and they reveal what’s going on in our hearts for good or for bad.

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Let's Dance Jon Weece Let's Dance Jon Weece

Leading My Prayers

Matthew 6:5-13 | Prayer is an act of acknowledgement that God is God and we are not. In prayer we humbly and confidently approach our Father trusting that He wants good for us.

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Let's Dance Jon Weece Let's Dance Jon Weece

Leading My Thoughts

Matthew 9:1-7 | Like the teachers of the law we can “entertain evil thoughts in our hearts.” We can’t control what we think but we can control whether we entertain, feed, and nurture our thoughts.

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