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Counterfeit Jon Weece Counterfeit Jon Weece

Counterfeit Parenting

Psalm 127 | There may not be a more overwhelming task than raising children. The key to being a parent is to recognize that our children do not belong to us. We have the high calling of aiming them toward Jesus in a dangerous world.

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Counterfeit Scott Nickell Counterfeit Scott Nickell

Counterfeit Success

Ecclesiastes 12:13 | Solomon had everything the world uses to measure success and he had more of it than anyone has ever had and referred to it as “chasing after the wind.” We are not in control of life’s outcomes, but we can control our faithful pursuit of following Jesus each day.

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Counterfeit Lydia Florence Counterfeit Lydia Florence

Counterfeit Femininity

Genesis 2:18-25; Proverbs 31 | Our culture teaches women that in order to prove their equality with men they must try to outdo men, or often embrace the worst stereotypes of counterfeit masculinity. The Bible paints a very different picture of what being a woman is all about.

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Counterfeit Jon Weece Counterfeit Jon Weece

Counterfeit Masculinity

Genesis 1:27-31; Genesis 2:15-17 | Our culture teaches men that they can gain their value and worth through their performance on a field, at work, or in the bedroom. The essence of manhood is a God given mandate to provide for and protect.

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