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The Junk Drawer Jon Weece The Junk Drawer Jon Weece

The Middle Ground

Mark 12:12-17 | The religious leaders of Jesus' day tried to trap him saying something he shouldn't say. Jesus refused to fall prey to their polarizing options. Instead, he brilliantly found a middle ground in his response giving us a blueprint for how to navigate difficult conversations. Loving one option doesn't always infer that we hate the other option. Sometimes our choices aren't between right and wrong, but between better and best. In this sermon, we will learn how to find the middle ground with the goal of uniting people in a divided world.

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Standalone Connor Hall Standalone Connor Hall

Southland Students Celebration Weekend

We all come from different environments that have impacted our hearts for better or worse, but no matter what the condition of our heart’s “soil” is, God can transform it so that fruit is able to grow and thrive. However, there must also be people willing to sow these seeds, especially for our children and students. We as a church don’t want to wait until they’re older—we want to invest in what God is doing in their lives right now.

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Slow Mo Jon Weece Slow Mo Jon Weece

Overcoming Difficult Circumstances

Exodus 3:1-17:7 | Leading hundreds of thousands of people for 40 years in a desolate wasteland was no picnic in the park for Moses. As a leader, he had to improvise, overcome daunting obstacles, deal with difficult personalities, and push past personal insecurities to be effective. In this message, we will learn some simple principles to help us deal with the complex problems we often face in life.

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Slow Mo Scott Nickell Slow Mo Scott Nickell

Overcoming a Bad Decision

Exodus 2:11-22 | In a fit of rage, Moses let his temper get the better of him and he killed an Egyptian soldier. For the next 40 years, Moses had to live in seclusion to avoid being punished for his crime, but God used that season of his life to prepare him for an important task. In this message, we will see how God can take our worst decisions and use them for good purposes.

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Slow Mo Jon Weece Slow Mo Jon Weece

Overcoming A Rough Childhood

Exodus 1:1-2:10 | “Desperate times call for desperate measures,” is definitely a phrase that applies to the first few years of Moses’ life. He was born into slavery, the government tried to kill him before he could take his first steps, his mom gave him up for adoption, and he was raised by foreign people in a foreign land. In this message, we will see that in spite of his challenging childhood, Moses became a man that God could count on and the same can be true for us.

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Fish Stories Scott Nickell Fish Stories Scott Nickell

Jonah’s Anger

Jonah 4 | Ever get angry because God didn’t do what you thought He should do? Unrealistic expectations and unmet needs produce anger in all of us. The root of it all is pride; the need to be in control. In this message we’ll look at how Jonah reacted when people whom he considered to be unworthy were given God’s mercy and grace. In the process we may recognize some things about ourselves that we need to change

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Fish Stories Jon Weece Fish Stories Jon Weece

Jonah’s Repentance

Jonah 2-3 | The most likely time to appreciate God’s mercy is when we’ve made a major mess of our lives. Bad choices and foolish decisions usually create horrible circumstances that leave us in a state of desperation. One of the advantages of being desperate is that we’re likely to understand our need to turn back to God and obey Him. In this message we’ll see ourselves in Jonah as he came to his senses and found his way back to God.

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Fish Stories Scott Nickell Fish Stories Scott Nickell

Jonah’s Rebellion

Jonah 1 | I’ve heard it said that we can run faster when we lose our way. Ever been there? Me too. Our tendency toward rebellion is part of the fall of humanity and persists to this day more than any of us care to admit. In this message we’ll look at some of the consequences of stubbornness and disobedience that leave us swimming in a sea of regret.

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Let's Dance Jon Weece Let's Dance Jon Weece

Leading My Words

Matthew 12:33-37 | Only Jesus can change our hearts, which leads to a change in the words we speak. Our words are powerful, for good or for bad, and they reveal what’s going on in our hearts for good or for bad.

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Let's Dance Jon Weece Let's Dance Jon Weece

Leading My Prayers

Matthew 6:5-13 | Prayer is an act of acknowledgement that God is God and we are not. In prayer we humbly and confidently approach our Father trusting that He wants good for us.

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Let's Dance Jon Weece Let's Dance Jon Weece

Leading My Thoughts

Matthew 9:1-7 | Like the teachers of the law we can “entertain evil thoughts in our hearts.” We can’t control what we think but we can control whether we entertain, feed, and nurture our thoughts.

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Counterfeit Jon Weece Counterfeit Jon Weece

Counterfeit Parenting

Psalm 127 | There may not be a more overwhelming task than raising children. The key to being a parent is to recognize that our children do not belong to us. We have the high calling of aiming them toward Jesus in a dangerous world.

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Counterfeit Scott Nickell Counterfeit Scott Nickell

Counterfeit Success

Ecclesiastes 12:13 | Solomon had everything the world uses to measure success and he had more of it than anyone has ever had and referred to it as “chasing after the wind.” We are not in control of life’s outcomes, but we can control our faithful pursuit of following Jesus each day.

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Counterfeit Lydia Florence Counterfeit Lydia Florence

Counterfeit Femininity

Genesis 2:18-25; Proverbs 31 | Our culture teaches women that in order to prove their equality with men they must try to outdo men, or often embrace the worst stereotypes of counterfeit masculinity. The Bible paints a very different picture of what being a woman is all about.

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Counterfeit Jon Weece Counterfeit Jon Weece

Counterfeit Masculinity

Genesis 1:27-31; Genesis 2:15-17 | Our culture teaches men that they can gain their value and worth through their performance on a field, at work, or in the bedroom. The essence of manhood is a God given mandate to provide for and protect.

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The Verdict Is In Jon Weece The Verdict Is In Jon Weece

The Peace of God

I Corinthians 15:51-58 | By leaving his tomb empty, Jesus made it possible for all of us to live without fear. In this Easter message, we will see that even when the daily circumstances of life are uncertain, we have peace in our hearts because our future destination has been secured.

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The Verdict Is In Jon Weece The Verdict Is In Jon Weece

The Pardon of God

Romans 5:6-11 | We often remember the decisions the most, because our sinful choices create a unique form of spiritual slavery and captivity. In this message, we will look at the eternal freedom Jesus died to give us.

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The Verdict Is In Scott Nickell The Verdict Is In Scott Nickell

The Sentence of God

Matthew 25:31-46 | From classrooms to living rooms to boardrooms, we live in a country that rewards good behavior and punishes bad behavior. In this message, we will see that if we put our faith in Jesus, God will reward us for our good deeds. If we don’t put our faith in Jesus, God will punish us for our bad deeds.

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The Verdict Is In Jon Weece The Verdict Is In Jon Weece

The Justice of God

Matthew 7:21-23 | It takes an all-knowing and all-seeing God to judge the world in a way that tips the scales of justice towards a completely unbiased outcome. In this message we will look at God’s plan to judge the earth of all the right and wrong behaviors and the legal standard he will use to do it.

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